February 16, 2024

  1. Challenges in Church Fundraising:

    • Fundraising in churches has been traditionally limited, with some members feeling uncomfortable or annoyed when asked for financial support.

    • There’s a misconception that churches should not ask for funds but rather be the ones giving.

    • Budgets cannot exist without the initial support and contributions from congregants.

  2. Modern Fundraising Techniques:

    • Traditional methods like passing the plate are no longer sufficient to sustain churches.

    • We need to adopt modern fundraising techniques used by universities, hospitals, and other nonprofits.

    • Educating congregants about the importance of financial support is essential.

    • Quote: “Relying solely on passing the plate is no longer enough to sustain a church. If we continue this reliance, more church doors will close.”

  3. The Impact of Change:

    • Implementing simple changes like expressing gratitude to donors and providing transparency through annual reports can lead to positive responses from congregants.

    • Segmentation, cultivation, and stewardship of donors can significantly increase donations and foster a sense of appreciation among supporters.

    • Quote: “I believe, because I have no direct proof, as we shared and showed what we were doing, through monthly mailers and the annual report, and as the top 50 [donors] are thanked, one leader doubled his annual gift. He also introduced some new folk who became members whose gifts to the church catapulted into the top 50.”

  4. Personal Stories:

    • Dr. Ross shared heartwarming anecdotes about how personal stewardship and gratitude resulted in increased donations from congregants.

    • Handwritten thank-you notes and personalized interactions with donors can have a profound impact on their willingness to support the church financially.

    • Quote: “You had me write handwritten thank-you notes. Last year, my business manager showed me a 5-figure check from a congregant, a first. A month later, we received another 5-figure donation in stock.”

  5. Looking Ahead:

    • Dr. Ross emphasized the importance of envisioning fundraising beyond traditional church methods and finding finance professionals willing to innovate and bring church fund development into the 21st century.

    Dr. Ross reminded us that as Black United Methodist leaders, our mission is to serve our communities effectively. By embracing modern fundraising practices and fostering meaningful connections with congregants, we can ensure the continued success and growth of your ministries.

    Closing with heartfelt gratitude, I want to express my appreciation for your unwavering dedication to your vital mission. Please persevere with faith and an open mind as we move forward…we will get there. 

Warm Regards,

Paul Hosch

Founder & CEO, Nonprofit Fundraising Management, Inc.